Saturday, 23 May 2015

International Dupuytren's Symposium - Day 2 - afternoon


Prof S:

Looking at the whole body, look for feet, shoulder, privates, and hands not each thing as an individual item.

Radiotherapy can prevent progression in non-cancerous tumours and there are many different fibroma conditions. The radiotherapy impacts both proliferation and inflammation and this is how it can work on DD / LD. So radiotherapy can impact the cells as they are proliferating so quickly that the radiotherapy causes DNA damage that causes them to go into an apoptotic state rather than continuing to replicate.

TGF-B is very sensitive to radiotherapy and is known to be involved in the development of the cells from stem cells to postmitotic state PMF. This has been shown in science journals and cells basically are forced to skip the step in which they are proliferating and in which they cause DD.

Patients that are progressing, so therefore have active DD / LD are those that can be used to determine if patients should be treated. To be clear radiotherapy cannot be used in the latter stage of the disease, but can it be used post-surgery to prevent it entering the latter stages again. For the above to work we need to know what is progression so we can determine what is the right course of action. Increasing symptoms, cords, nodules itching etc are good signs.

If radiotherapy is used at an early stage it can delay or even stop progression. Published data shows that there are some responses to this in the different stages of DD and the later stages of DD should not be treated with radiotherapy but in the initial stages there is a good response to radiotherapy, especially in stage 1.

There have been several different techniques as to what is the best, and comparitive studies show they work but the favourite is 3x5gy done twice over 2 different weeks separated. Random between 2 schedules and controls

3 groups - 0 gy, 21gy (7 days in a row) or the now standard 30gy treatment.

No difference between electons on ortho-volt. There were no difference between the groups in terms of other factors.

20% of patients had a remission
53% were stable  in all RT patients.
Only 8% of patients in the 30gy group went on to have surgery..

Surgery is possible after RT with no extra complications. 12 week break is standard. Radiotherapy with lower doses does work if patients are concerned but it doesn’t work as well.

Radiotherapy used post op in patients with DD in PIP joint.

Ledderhose results skipped!!!! This was due to time constraints so I understand even if I am annoyed.

In cases of Ledderhose 80% of patients see reduce of symptoms and can be done post-operative and can be considered after multiple surgeries. There are several patients that have relapsed and in a different region they are happy to repeat, if there is a relapse in the same area then there can be a third week but going on beyond that is not great.

One key thing is that the dose is above 2gy, so 3gy x 5 or 5gy x 3 can work.

This was a very interesting talk and I knew most of it but it was great to hear the discussion between the surgeons and Prof S, his answers were mostly good.

Next was my talk, gulp.

Overall I think it went well and the basic results that I commented on were:

There is a very high number of female patients, in fact more so than in women and this could be real given the degree of deviation from the norm, however it could be a limitation of the survey, should take into account for the book how many patients have been self-diagnosed. In my experience there is a higher number of women, one doctor commented that many women who think they have nodules have hammertoe and many men who do not think they have Ledderhose in fact do have it. In hindsight I would argue that most of the patient participating in this survey are knowledgeable and most have Dupuytren’s so have probably been checked for Ledderhose, or at least should have been, so if the numbers are biased then it is because doctors are not checking up as they should.

The usual conditions are related.

Radiotherapy is the best treatment option as far as patients are concerned for Ledderhose. No other treatment option even comes close and no doctor even questioned this result. I got in my point about the lack of Ledderhose information and the lack of talks that even consider Ledderhose over the last 2 days...

After this point I did miss the next 2 posts in a post talk buzz but both Dr Bojaj and Anna both said well done on the way back to my seat which was nice.

Have to admit that despite nothing really being on the line for me my heart was pounding and I was a little nervous (though not much really) and I think this is because I wanted to do everyone proud, everyone who has taken part in the survey deserves me to put their point of view across. If anyone would like a copy of my powerpoint presentation then just ask, happy to provide. Certainly if you have Ledderhose then the graph on the treatment options is worth taking to any doctor you see that doesn’t approve of radiotherapy.

The next talk I have notes on is the one on Peyronie’s. To be fair this is probably a talk you can avoid watching, unless you like seeing surgery pictures and you can guess what they look like. Also mentioned the use of Collagenase on the treatment of this condition.

I am not sure what the last mini session is on but think it is mostly going to be 2 interactive sessions on research, first science research and then clinical research.

I will post this as an update now as I am unsure whether I will make many notes on the last session as I am not sure how relevant it will be to me, but I will do my best to give any input that I can and provide you with any output that I can.


  1. Dear Gary

    Do you have any literature or info on skin grafting for Ledderhose? I have a patient who had this as the only succesful treatment on 1 foot, and is keen to have the same on recently acceleretaed LD on the other foot (He is not at all keen on radiotherapy).
    I fear the healing will be much delayed, so any experience of this rare treatment option would be very helpful and greatly appreciated.
    Keep up the good work you do on LD and thanks in anticipation,
    Yours sincerely


    8 October 2020 at 17:18

    1. Hi Anil,

      Sorry for my slow response, I do not have information on skin grafting. I hope you have found the information you needed, if you need anything else your best option will be to e-mail me.



  2. Dear Gary
    Do you have the power point prsenntation ?

    1. Hi Mario, I don't have all the PowerPoints. Is there particular research / information you are after?

    2. Though I might have my presentation somewhere, the whole thing is on YouTube as well.
