Thursday 30 October 2014

Patient series - Patient 7 Introduction

This time I am introducing a patient that I have already interviewed. It is great to have so many helpful patient on board for this project and hopefully we can really provide something that will be useful to all the new patients with this condition. 

Initial Background Questions:

Please state your age, gender, country of origin and where you live (if different to origin) and how long you have had the condition?

48 female. Norwegian and Swedish.

Do you have it in both feet or any hands?

Both feet.

Please detail any family history or common risk factors which apply to you:

None I know of.

Please list any treatments you have had, the time since you had them, the progress (or lack of) after treatment and any side effects:

radio frequency ablation. Blood platelet injections.

Please detail any other information from your past which you think may be relevant and not covered in the monthly questions:


Monthly Questions:

In the last month have you noticed any changes in the pain or size of the nodules? Or have any new nodules have developed?

No new, old ones are softer.

Please list a) The maximum pain b) the average pain c) the minimum pain you experienced this month and anything that improved or worsened the pain.

Great improvement, maximum pain being 1 out of 10 it was 2 at most.

Average pain is around a 1.

In the last month what medication or treatments have you had, please describe in as much detail as possible including whether prescribed or home treatment, if applicable where the treatment was administered, by whom, cost (if happy to share) and how this has impacted the condition.

I Started standard process supplements 2.5 months ago.
Phos food , 60 drops a day on average and about 2 times a week 90 drops a day.
Zypan, digestion from standard process. 3 with every meal. But have forgotten to take it also.

Please describe how the condition has impacted you on a daily basis in the last month and any new steps (not treatments) that you have taken to try and alleviate this impact.

I have been in my old shoes and started walking again.

Please describe the level of exercise that you have been able to achieve this month and any specific diets you have used if you think they have impacted the condition.

I stopped the high protein diets. This month I could walk 1/2 to 1 mile a few times a week which is great because i was having so much pain I was walking only as necessity.

Please list any other information that you think would be useful.

Nothing else.

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